What is a Biomechanical Assessment & how can it help you?

Biomechanics is the science concerned with the internal and external forces acting on the human body and the effects produced by these forces. A biomechanical assessment identifies whether or not your muscles, joints and/or nerves are working together in a proficient manner. For a podiatrist, it is important to examine how your body relates to or is affected by the movement of your legs and feet. Hips, back, poor posture, headache, nerve pain and neck pain can all be attributed to problems with the feet and lower legs. A biomechanical assessment can provide an excellent outline of how your joints and muscles work during exercise.

In a biomechanical assessment your podiatrist will:

  • watch how you stand and walk
  • review your current footwear
  • check the mobility and strength of your joints and muscles
  • discuss lifestyle and physical elements that impact on your legs and feet.
  • assess and discuss your specific symptoms (duration/pain/sensation etc.) as well as give advice on posture improvement, stretching exercises, and other treatment options and procedures.

How do you know your biomechanics is out of whack?
Do you suffer from:

  • Bunions or ingrown toenails
  • Lower back or heel pain
  • Poor posture, hip, back or nerve pain
  • Skin conditions or feet ulcers
  • Poor circulation from diabetes
  • Laboured gait from being overweight
  • A foot deformity of some description

It’s important in our busy world to ensure that our body’s biomechanics are aligned – otherwise pain and discomfort can occur. A simple assessment by your podiatrist can identify the cause of any issues you may have and a resulting treatment program can help alleviate any discomfort or symptoms you may have. If you would like to discuss any of the above issues contact the Performance Podiatry team on 0243347927